‘We’re going to Washington!’ – a 1944 statue of an Imperial Japanese Army soldier ‘glaring with glistening eyes at the U.S. burning with an attacking, fighting spirit’ saying, ‘I will stand firm with my heroes and march on the U.S. mainland!’
Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) March 17, 1944
Wartime Art Exhibition
“We’re Going to Washington!”
Information Section Chief Prize
By Junsaku Hosokawa
Mr. Hosokawa graduated from the Department of Sculpture of Tokyo University of Arts in 1939, and he was drafted into the military immediately after graduation. He returned to Korea from the Manchurian-Soviet border in 1942 due to a war illness. Last year, at the third Korean exhibition, he released an artwork entitled “Silence”. This year, in the “We’re Going to Washington!” artwork, which was honored with the Information Section Chief Prize at this exhibition, a brave warrior on the front line in the south firmly clutches his sword, which crushes evil and spreads truth. He is carrying the remains of his deceased comrade-in-arms on his chest, and he glares with glistening eyes at the U.S. burning with an attacking, fighting spirit saying, “I will stand firm with my heroes and march on the U.S. mainland!” The overall strength and vigor of the statue is reminiscent of an Imperial general fighting valiantly in front of our eyes, his entire body valiantly displaying this fighting spirit.
We spoke with the artist, Junsaku Hosokawa, at his home in 46 Beondaebang, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, about his enthusiasm for this work.
“I returned from the battlefield two years ago, but many of my comrades-in-arms fought hard and gave their lives amid the smoke of the battlefield, and some of them have also died glorious deaths. I created this work dedicating it to these heroic souls and comrades-in-arms. It took me one month to complete the work. The military uniforms are those worn in the battlefields in the south.”
Source: https://www.archive.org/details/kjnp-1944-03-17
京城日報 1944年3月17日
細川順作 作