Imperial Japan published propaganda science fiction during World War II – this story predicts that Japan will win the space race against the US and become the first nation to land a man on the moon and televise it to the whole world, much to the chagrin of the Allies
This article appeared in Keijo Nippo, the main newspaper of Japan-occupied Korea from 1905 to 1945. The author, Juzo Unno, is considered the founder of Japanese science fiction. This story predicts that Japan will win the space race against the US and become the first to land a man on the moon and televise it to the whole world.
Hakko Ichiu refers to the grandiose expansionist idea that the Japanese emperor has the divine mandate to extend his “benevolent” rule over the whole world.
(my translation)
April 22, 1944 Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo)
Palm Tree (203)
Juzo Unno (writer), Shojiro Murakami (artist)
The Great Circle (4)
“The spirit of Hakko Ichiu is the most precious thing in the world. Only by realizing this ideal will the human race of the earth be able to become the greatest victor and the greatest leader in the universe.
Therefore, any nation that does not understand the spirit of Hakko Ichiu, no matter how materially powerful or golden, will not be allowed to lead our world. The only people who can truly promise the safety of the global human race are those who are truly strong, who are burning with the belief of Hakko Ichiu and who will realize it. The anti-Axis camp will never be able to find such a suitable nation.
For this reason, spacecraft must be completed by our own hands. And we must lead the world and prevent attacks from other stars with all the power of the world.”
This was the belief of Director Meguro.
As a result, the American spacecraft Freedom 1 crashed tragically in midair and fell from its seat as the pioneer of space exploration. Our spacecraft Fuji, under the general direction of Director Meguro, succeeded in a remarkable test flight. After that, preparations were made in earnest, and a month later, spacecraft Fuji departed from Earth in a very solemn manner, with one hundred and sixty crew members on board, including Director Meguro.
This time, there was no ridiculous commotion as in the case of Freedom 1. It was not because they had learned their lesson from Freedom 1, but rather because the news media had shown their antipathy towards the Axis side, and had adopted a policy of complete obliteration, refusing to report even a word or two about the fortitude of spacecraft Fuji.
They predicted that spacecraft Fuji would suffer the same disaster as Freedom 1, and at that time they intended to write and talk extensively in the newspapers and on the air about the outrageous fate of spacecraft Fuji’s flight and its tragic end.
Unfortunately, however, spacecraft Fuji defied their expectations and continued to sail through space without a hitch.
On the day of its departure, it already reached the entrance of the stratosphere, and at noon the next day it broke through the stratosphere, and on the third day it conquered the ionosphere. Afterwards, it accelerated and, in one week, it had already reached the gravitational neutral point between the Earth and the Moon, which is a part of space that is fraught with danger. But it kept flying proudly without encountering any mishaps, steadily approaching the Moon. On the fifteenth day, spacecraft Fuji suddenly began to broadcast to the Earth an awesome sight showing a bird’s eye view from the Moon.
While the Axis broadcasters began broadcasting this epoch-making television broadcast at once, the anti-Axis side tried to kill it off, but the listeners of the anti-Axis side fought to listen to the Axis broadcast. Not only did the spacecraft Fuji become popular all over the world, but the anti-Axis press also exploded with grievances against the Axis press all at once, and the anti-Axis press lost their minds. Not only that, some newspapers and stations broke away from their agreement with their colleagues and voluntarily transmitted spacecraft Fuji’s Japanese language and television broadcasts, and the confusion and ugliness in their camp became a source of great amusement to the world. By the seeds they sowed, they had to reap the harvest of their deep sins.
Source: https://archive.org/details/kjnp-1944-04-22
(my transcription in modern Japanese orthography)
昭和十九年四月二十二日 京城日報
海野十三(作) 村上松次郎(絵)
大団円 (四)