Minakai Department Store in Seoul featured a propaganda panoramic picture depicting New York City in flames from an Imperial Japanese air raid and President Roosevelt fainting out of panic, as part of a warplane donation campaign (September 1943)
This is my translation and transcription of a ‘forward-looking’ news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. It has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.
In September 1943, at the Minakai Department Store in Seoul, a panoramic picture was displayed depicting New York City in flames from an Imperial Japanese air raid, the residents stunned with broken noses from the exploding bombs and President Roosevelt fainting out of panic.
Many historical revisionists claim that Imperial Japan would have never killed civilians or conducted air raids on the U.S. mainland if it had won World War II, but bellicose news articles like this one prove otherwise. In any case, by September 1943, the dream of invading the U.S. mainland, let alone conducting an air raid on New York City, had become impossibly out of reach for Imperial Japan as the Allies continued their string of victories.
Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 21, 1943
Roosevelt Faints and Collapses from Air Raids by the Japanese Military
Korean Peninsula’s Sincere Dedication of 296 Aircraft
‘Reinforcement-Themed’ Air Exhibition
The striking ‘reinforcement-themed’ venue of the Minakai Department Store featured a panorama which was assembled assuming the following scenario: “An air raid warning was issued for New York City. Just as the echoes of the sirens faded from their eardrums, a crimson flame first rose over the Empire State Building as well as the buildings of the twentieth century celebrating a materialistic civilization. The roar of the exploding bombs broke the nasal bridges of the Yankees and turned the entire city of New York into a hellish battlefield. Roosevelt, the protagonist of the White House, who did not know what to do in the face of this thunderous air raid, was so panicked that he fainted and collapsed. The wings with the bright Hinomaru red circle emblems that flew overhead were clearly visible to the nighttime eye with each dive, and the bombing continued at a leisurely pace and with precise targeting while giving a sidelong glance at the stunned Yankees.”
The venue was decorated with the production expansion of fire-breathing munitions factories and the donation of airplanes by the sincerity of the people of the nation. The wheels of the plant, which is now operating at full capacity, continue to dash forward on the road to “More production! More production!”
Meanwhile, the following is a list of donations of patriotic planes from the Korean peninsula which provide side reinforcement.
(Since the Greater East Asia War started – up to the day before Aviation Memorial Day) a total of 296 aircraft were built. Of these, there were 12 aircraft donated by individuals, which is a little sad and regrettable, 97 aircraft donated by counties (gun) alone, and 6 aircraft donated by townships (myeon) alone, which is praiseworthy like gemstones, and other donations made by companies, provinces, prefectures, and other organizations. As an example of what happens when a little dust accumulates into a mountain, if the total population of the Korean peninsula is 26 million, and if everyone saved one sen every day, then in one year we could collect 94.9 million yen and build 943 fighter planes costing 100,000 yen each.
Source: https://www.archive.org/details/kjnp-1943-09-21
京城日報 1943年9月21日